
Showing posts from November, 2019

Weekly Weigh In 11/24/19

Weigh in:   269.0   lbs This week:   +2.2   lbs The Road So Far... From first blog:   -14.4   lbs From highest weight:   -24   lbs I am honestly so confused. I tracked my calories. I went to bed earlier. I did my best this week. I do not understand the gain. Although, there is a medical issue that has me worried this week. The scale showing an inexplicable gain could be another symptom. Either way, I am going to be making a doctor's appointment a.s.a.p. to get it checked out. It could be as simple as adjusting my thyroid medication. It could also be any number of other more serious complications. I don't want to take a chance.  I was really hopeful last week that the scale would continue to show a loss each week. I would lying if I said this isn't a disappointment. It's discouraging, for sure. BUT, even when motivation wanes, it's important keep working. For me, I have to face this blog, embarrassing as it might be, and tell the honest truth. It&

Weekly Weigh In 11/17/19 and Oops!

Weigh in:   266.8  lbs This week:   -2.0   lbs The Road So Far... From first blog:   -16.6   lbs From highest weight:   -26.2   lbs I am feeling much better this week. Finally over the cold or flu or whatever that was. And the scale seems to be moving back in the right direction.  We haven't tried any new recipes in the last few weeks. I've been revamping old recipes. Improving them. **The Next Morning** Oh geez. It is currently 6:20 a.m. and as I was getting up to make breakfast for my family, I realized I never finished this yesterday! I was writing around lunch time, not very smart to begin with, and I decided to pause while my family ate lunch together. We had so much fun, I forgot to pick it back up. What can I say, except, Oops! Now, I'm off to start the day. My favorite part of the school week, is making my daughter a hot breakfast. I'm NOT a morning person. Not even a little bit. I've always been a night owl. My daughter changed t

Weekly Weigh In 11/10/19

Weight: 268.8 Same as last week. Neither up or down. I've been under the weather all week. So this is going to be a very short update. I have some sleep to catch up on. But I promised an update, and I'm holding myself to it. Until next week...

Weekly Weigh In for 11/3/19

Weigh In: 268.8 I know this shows a gain. However, I also know exactly what caused it. Bloating and water retention. PMS.  Yes, I know, that's a very personal topic. I don't plan on going into it any further than that. I weighed myself Wednesday night and I was at 266.5. So I'm guessing without all the extra hormones, I'd be closer to that. Still, I promised a weekly weigh in. I plan to keep working hard at this. I managed a non-scale victory this week. We went out to eat at one of my favorite restaurants. I was worried about how I was going to manage my calories. Olive Garden is typically very high in calories. But with moderation, and careful thought, I managed to stay well under my calorie allotment for the day. And prove to myself that it's possible to still enjoy a night out with my family. I hope everyone had a great Halloween. My family and I really enjoyed ourselves. There's nothing like dressing up in an awful wig and a big, bright red pair of fake