Kiki's Bacon-Tater Soup and Weight Update

Weight Loss update: Hey guys! It's been a while since I've updated my weigh ins. My little family moved to a new place this summer, so things were very scattered for a time. My scale was put into our storage unit while we went through everything and set up the new place. It took a bit to settle in to our new routines, but I did finally go get my scale. My current weight is 273.4. I'm disappointed I didn't meet my original goal of losing a certain amount of weight by my birthday at the end of July. All I can really say is, when I made that goal, I didn't know we'd be moving as soon as we did, and I seriously underestimated how the stress was going to affect me. It's a learning experience, and I definitely plan to work even harder now that we are in a much better place. Since I don't know what week we're on, and my computer is still in storage (oops), I will be updating off schedule. I don't want to make a weekly promise until I've gott...